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Concrete moisture analysers and
RH sensors


Tramex concrete moisture analysers, probes and kits

The Tramex methods for testing concrete moisture include the measurement of the Moisture content (%MC) and relative humidity (%RH) with concrete moisture analysers and probes:


  • Non-destructive testing of concrete with Impedance measuring devicesthe Concrete Moisture Encounter CME5 and Concrete Moisture Encounter CMEX5,
  • In-situ impedance probesthe Concrete Moisture Probe/Determinator for the in-situ moisture content in concrete
  • and the audit of the relative humidity (%RH) with in-situ Hygro-i2 RH probes and non-destructive RH surface bonnetsthe Tramex Hygrohood and RH Hood.

Concrete moisture measurement: Devices

Concrete moisture measurement: Kits

Tramex offers Concrete moisture test kits which contain the necessary tools for comprehensive moisture testing of concrete slabs to meet the requirements of concrete and flooring professionals.


  • Moisture test kits for the installation of concrete coatings enable the Coating installersto check the ideal conditions for the proper application and adhesion of coating products.
  • The Quick check kits for laying floor coverings offer test instruments for a fast, non-destructive moisture test during installation. These tests ensure that both the moisture content of the panel and the relative humidity of the environment are suitable for the installation of a floor covering.
  • Concrete moisture probe kits offer a Combination of quantitative impedance surface measurements and detailed moisture content tests. They also enable in-situ measurements of relative humidity in concrete floors or slabs.
  • Floor inspection kits combine instruments for non-destructive testing of concrete moisturefor evaluation and Monitoring the ambient conditions and to measure the Moisture content of wood.

Why choose Tramex concrete moisture analysers?

Tramex concrete moisture meters test and measure the moisture content in concrete floors and screeds, helping to prevent moisture-related problems that can lead to floor failure.

In order for concrete and cementitious screeds to receive a floor finish, the substrate must be sufficiently "dry" to prevent damage to the floor finish and to ensure proper bonding with adhesives. Water is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of concrete and the concrete must be kept moist during the critical curing phase to ensure the intended concrete strength. However, excess moisture in the substrate is the most common cause of floor damage, costing billions of dollars annually and causing significant disruption to home and business owners.

For this reason, the best moisture analyser for concrete is recommended. With Tramex concrete and screed moisture testing kits, testing the moisture of concrete and screed with the Tramex Complete Concrete Moisture Test System or the Installation Quick Check Test is simple and provides a comprehensive overview of the moisture condition of the slab, giving the floor layer peace of mind.

Do moisture analysers work on concrete?

Yes, a calibrated, quantitative moisture meter can measure the moisture content in a concrete floor or slab.

It is important that the moisture meter is correctly calibrated to measure an accurate moisture content. Some concrete moisture meters can only provide qualitative readings or an indication of relative moisture content. However, if you need to know the actual moisture content of concrete, it's important to use a meter that provides quantitative readings based on gravimetric testing. This will ensure that you make informed decisions based on accurate data, especially in applications where the moisture content of the concrete can have a significant impact on the performance and durability of your project.

Cmex5 On Concrete With Hand C Square W550h600

How accurate are concrete moisture analysers?

Moisture meters provide accurate readings, provided they are properly calibrated. Tramex's non-destructive concrete moisture meters are specifically calibrated for concrete and provide an instant and accurate quantitative measurement of the moisture content (%MC) of concrete.

When concrete is first poured, its moisture content is around 6 to 7 % water, with half of this water reacting to form cement. The remaining water is chemically bound and is no longer relevant for the installation of the floor. So it is essentially this 3 to 6 % that is needed to determine when the concrete is "dry enough" and therefore precision is critical - precision that concrete moisture analysers calibrated using the gravimetric test method as a basis can provide. Only a high quality quantitative concrete moisture analyser such as the Tramex Concrete Moisture Encounter, the CME5 and CMEX5, will provide quantitative readings of the actual moisture content in the concrete floor or slab.

When should you use a concrete moisture analyser?

Concrete floor slabs and screeds should be checked regularly during the drying period to assess and control the drying process and to ensure that the substrate is sufficiently dry before the floor covering is laid.

Concrete moisture content testing prior to installation and relative humidity testing should meet the "dry enough to receive a floor covering or coating" specifications as specified in the manufacturer's guidelines and international standards. However, environmental conditions may change at the time of installation and lead to condensation on the concrete floor, causing the moisture content of the concrete to rise back above the specified "dry enough" limit. For this reason, a concrete moisture test using a calibrated quantitative moisture meter should be carried out immediately before and during the installation of the floor covering.

The CME5 no-nonsense concrete moisture analyser

Cme5a Front On White Bg W550h600

The CME5 is a favourite concrete moisture meter among installers because it is non-destructive and easy to use. This straightforward, rugged and durable analogue concrete moisture meter measures the top ¾-inch layer of the slab and provides instant, accurate and quantitative moisture content results.

The CME5 works with the Tramex Meters app to store data, create moisture maps, generate reports with geo-tags and share results with customers. This data can prove crucial for all parties involved to ensure that all requirements have been met during an installation process.

Tramex CME concrete moisture meters are calibrated using gravimetric tests as a basis. Non-destructive concrete moisture meters calibrated specifically for concrete provide instant and accurate quantitative measurements of the moisture content (%MC) of concrete.


Get Xtra functions with the Concrete Moisture Encounter CMEX5

For those looking to expand the applications of their concrete moisture meter, the digital CMEX5 offers more options. It has the added benefit of being a relative humidity meter with an inbuilt hygrometer for ambient humidity and a temperature sensor, which is essential for determining dew point issues at the time of installation.

The CMEX5 also has a Hygro-i2 relative humidity probe connector for performing the ASTM F2170 test and for attaching optional wooden pin probes and relative humidity sensors. All measured data can be stored in the Tramex Meters app to map humidity, generate reports and share results with customers. This data can prove crucial for all parties involved to ensure that all requirements have been met.

Tramex CME concrete moisture meters are calibrated using gravimetric tests as a basis. Non-destructive concrete moisture meters calibrated specifically for concrete provide an instant and accurate quantitative measurement of the moisture content (%MC) of concrete.

The CMEX5 can be used for non-destructive testing of concrete and for performing the ASTM F2170 in-situ relative humidity test.


More thorough investigation of the quantitative in-situ moisture content with the concrete moisture probe


The capabilities of Tramex Concrete Moisture Meters have now been further extended with the innovative, first of its kind, Concrete Moisture Probe, also known as the Determinator. The Tramex CMP Concrete Moisture Probe, when used with the Concrete Moisture Meters, provides an instant and accurate quantitative measurement of the moisture content (%MC) in concrete.

Tramex has put together Concrete Determinator Kits to provide a complete moisture measurement solution with a standardised gravimetric test method for concrete and flooring inspectors.

In-situ relative humidity measurements according to ASTM F2170

The Tramex Hygro-i2® RH Probe - HIPP for relative humidity is the most advanced, robust and reusable RH probe on the market. It allows on-site and under-hood RH testing to ASTM F2170 for the flooring industry and is also ideal for use by flood and water damage restoration professionals. Hygro I2 Probe On White Bg W550h600

Non-destructive testing of relative humidity in accordance with BS8201, BS8203, BS5325

Hygrohood New Dcal W550h600

The Tramex Hygro Hood - is an insulated humidity bonnet with built-in hygrometer (HYGH-MM) or Tramex Hygro-i2 RH sensor (RHIH) used for non-destructive testing of the relative humidity of concrete and other floors and screeds to international standards.

British Standards BS8201, BS8203 and BS5325 recommend the use of hygro-hoods placed on the concrete surface to measure the %RH value. They recommend that a concrete floor or screed should be sufficiently dry to allow the installation of a resilient floor covering and that it should be tested using the insulated impermeable bonnet method. The Tramex CME5 or CMEX5 can be used to take non-destructive moisture measurements until the floor or screed has reached the moisture level specified by the flooring manufacturer. The Tramex CME5 or CMEX5 can be used to identify the most problematic areas of the floor or screed. At this stage, relative humidity tests can be carried out using the hygro bonnet to support non-destructive moisture content testing.